
Because ... "Hey, That's a Pretty Good Idea"

Welcome to FritzCP.com.   Here you will find various products inspired by my personal interests, often times involving my long time hobby of Vintage Aircooled Volkswagens, particularly from the 40s – 60s era.

Inspiration for these tools and products is often born out of feelings of pure frustration when supposed routine elementary level tasks snowball into nightmarish tribulations whilst working on something that should have been somewhat relaxing and enjoyable.

Searching for simply designed, economical and more efficeient solutions and/or hunting hard to find parts and coming up empty handed, drives me to come up with my own line of products to fill that gap, keeping myself and (hopefully) other enthusiasts motivated and moving forward with our projects.

I now offer a select line of remakes of original tools in form or function, reproductions of various vintage VW parts with some other fun side projects thrown in the mix shown here.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my pride and joys here on my newly created website.  I am always dreaming up new product ideas and creating inspirational artworks, so check back often as you never know what problem will be solved next.

I have also helped others develop niche products in the past on occasion so if you have any questions or wish to share ideas, do not hesitate to inquire because, “Hey, thats a pretty good idea.”   – Fritz